HealFast Skincare

5 Simple Beauty Tips To Look Your Best At Any Age

by Michael Marenick on Aug 01, 2017

5 Simple Beauty Tips To Look Your Best At Any Age

Using skin care products correctly can make a huge difference.

By Mike Marenick

HealFast Skincare

There are so many anti-wrinkle creams to choose from and it seems like a new miracle is popping up in your Facebook timeline everyday. The best anti-aging products aren’t always the most expensive, but this doesn’t mean you should be shopping at the dollar store for the products you use on your face and body. I’ve put together 5 simple tips that will help you look your best at any age.

Thicker is better

Many people hate putting on a moisturizer in the morning when it feels thick on their face. But truth be told a thicker product is better as you age. If your skin doesn’t still feel moist at lunch time from the cream you used in the morning you are likely wasting your money. Younger skin does not need a heavy cream but you can still use one. The trick is to thin out the cream slightly by misting your face with a rose water product before applying the cream. This will allow you to use less and it will go on thinner without feeling heavy. Then as you get older you can continue to still use the same product but just thin it out less. Also, by misting your face prior to applying the cream you are locking in more moisture.

Don’t be afraid to go heavier at night

HealFast Hydro Repair Moisturizer

The difference between most day and night creams is their thickness. Most night creams tend to be slightly heavier on the skin. To look your best in the morning don’t be afraid to use a heavier cream while you sleep. This will give your skin plenty of time to soak up the goodness of the cream. A heavier cream will help promote collagen growth and more rapid skin cell renewal. If you are not currently moisturizing a night give it a try and you will see a difference in just a few short days.


Don’t Be Fooled By Temporary Fixes

I’m sure everyone has seen that video where they put this gel on an old mans puffy under eyes and poof.. in just minutes the bags under his eyes are gone. Or perhaps you have read about these amazing filler products that make wrinkles disappear instantly. These products are not for long term beauty. They are simply creating a temporary look that lasts for a very short period of time. If you maintain a healthy beauty routine on a daily basis you can achieve these results without ever having to waste your money on these quick fixes.

A Good Peel

facial peelSkin cell turnover is so important when it comes to looking younger. As we age our skin sometimes needs a little more help removing the old dead skin cells so the younger fresher looking cells can appear. By using a good quality facial peel once or twice a week you can keep your skin looking fresh all the time. Be careful not to use anything that is very harsh. Some of the peels that use acids such as glycolic or lactic acid can cause skin damage if not use correctly or if used to often. A better option is to look for a peel that uses salicylic acid which is more gentle to the skin but still provides excellent exfoliation results. In fact, many day and night creams often use salicylic acid as an active ingredient.

Starting Young Is Important But It Is Never Too Late

It is always better if you start a quality skincare regimen early in life.  However, it is never too late to start at any age. The advancements in skincare products has been dramatic over the past 10 years. Our understanding of how skin cells regenerate and how collagen is produced has allowed us to create anti-wrinkle creams that produce amazing results when used correctly.